Top Summer Plumbing Don’ts — Professional Drain Cleaning
There are certain aspects of the seasons that impact your home’s plumbing, so read these top summer plumbing don’ts so you can prevent or save money when hiring professional drain cleaning! For starters, there are hot days that can impact your home’s plumbing lines by causing pipes to expand and lead to more ruptures. As […]
Back to School Bathroom Plumbing Tips
Back to school and plumbing may not seem to go together in your mind, but you will be happy for some good bathroom plumbing tips as the return of a schedule reminds you that fall is on the way, and the myriad demands on your household plumbing aren’t going away just because school begins. Kids […]
Unclogging Sink Drains with a Plumber and a Drain Snake
The occasional clogged sink drain is a problem that every homeowner encounters, so be prepared by keeping a few of these methods of unclogging sink drains in mind. There are a handful of methods to tackle these annoying clogs, in order of efficiency: paying for a plumber, using proper equipment and doing the unclogging yourself, […]
Preparing Your Home Plumbing Before Vacation
When you are leaving on vacation, you mostly don’t have to do anything to your home plumbing. Unless you are leaving on an extended vacation, then you definitely want to do some things to protect your home. These aren’t so much tips to keep from having flooding issues—although those are good, too. These tips are […]