Easy New Year’s Plumbing Resolutions

A New Year’s resolution is a chance to reflect on last year’s resolution as well as seek new areas you can improve upon, so there is no better time to ask yourself what small steps you do to keep your home’s plumbing running smoothly. Whether to save money on repairs or save time unclogging, by […]

Reasons Sewer Drain Cleaning is the Perfect New Year’s Resolution

As the new year approaches, there is no better time to get some home maintenance out of the way then by setting your resolution to staying on top of household duties such as sewer drain cleaning! Now keeping up with your home maintenance isn’t what comes to mind when setting a New Year’s resolution, but […]

Hydro Jetting for the Holidays

That title sounds like a vacation near a lake, but it isn’t. Hydro jetting is the process of using high-powered jets of water to clear tough obstructions from your drain pipes. When do you use it and why should you care?  During the holidays, even more than at other times, we have guests and extra […]

Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests — Plumbing Drain Repair

If you have guests over the holidays, you know the headaches that plumbing can potentially cause: showers, toilets, and sinks are all overused. Plumbing drain repair may not be the first item on your to-do preparation list, but maybe it should be.  The best way to prepare for guests is to ensure that nothing goes […]

How to Prevent a Christmas Plumbing Emergency

The last thing you want interrupting your Christmas morning is a plumbing emergency, so take some time now to ensure your home’s plumbing is under control. Take care of the boring maintenance now, so you can focus on enjoying the holidays, free from any unfortunate plumbing mishaps. Not only will performing plumbing maintenance reduce the […]

A Sewer Line Problem or a Simple Drain Clog?

Your sink is backing up, or your bathtub. Maybe your toilet isn’t working so well. Do you have a drain clog? Maybe you’ve done your best with a plunger, but the plumber’s helper isn’t helping, and you’ve pulled all the hair and other nasties from the shower drain. Maybe you’ve even gone so far as […]

Things Your Plumber Wishes You Wouldn’t Do — Drain Rooter

Learning about your home’s plumbing may feel like a boring task, but the next time a common plumbing problem arises and you need the help of a drain rooter, you can reduce the problem instead of making it worse for your plumber. A clogged or slow draining fixture is a very common issue that every […]

Must Have Drain Cleaning Tools

Every house has its must-have’s: vacuum, favorite dusting tools, lawn mower. You may also wonder what the must-have drain cleaning tools are, and we are here to help. The nice part is that they aren’t as expensive as you might think and they aren’t toxic or dangerous, despite what household ads might lead you to […]

Plumbing Features To Check Before Buying a New Home

Buying a new home is a big decision that should not be decided on a whim, so here are some plumbing features to go over before committing to a house! While the design and look for a home is important, it shouldn’t be the only deciding factor when picking out a new home. The last […]

The Ins and Outs of Cleaning Sewer Drains in St. George

There are a lot of chores that come with maintaining your home, but one that you should never skimp out on is cleaning sewer drains in St. George. Luckily, keeping your houses’ plumbing working smoothly is as easy as it is important. If you take action to clear out your drains as soon as you […]