Back to School Bathroom Plumbing Tips

Back to school and plumbing may not seem to go together in your mind, but you will be happy for some good bathroom plumbing tips as the return of a schedule reminds you that fall is on the way, and the myriad demands on your household plumbing aren’t going away just because school begins.  Kids […]

Unclogging Sink Drains with a Plumber and a Drain Snake

The occasional clogged sink drain is a problem that every homeowner encounters, so be prepared by keeping a few of these methods of unclogging sink drains in mind. There are a handful of methods to tackle these annoying clogs, in order of efficiency: paying for a plumber, using proper equipment and doing the unclogging yourself, […]

Preparing Your Home Plumbing Before Vacation

When you are leaving on vacation, you mostly don’t have to do anything to your home plumbing.  Unless you are leaving on an extended vacation, then you definitely want to do some things to protect your home.  These aren’t so much tips to keep from having flooding issues—although those are good, too.  These tips are […]

How Summer Sewer and Drain Cleaning is Beneficial

Keep your home in top condition this summer by adding sewer and drain cleaning to your to do list! While it is easy to forget about the facilities that run behind the scenes, there is no question how vital a smoothly running plumbing system is. Not only is it convenient to keep your plumbing working […]

The How, When, and Why of Sewer Hydro Jetting

Sewer hydro jetting may be a term you are not familiar with at this point in your life, but it is a term worth taking the time to learn about. Sewer hydro jetting is a process of clearing sewer lines from blockages that are not easily cleared by other means and is perfectly safe for […]

Fixing Leaky Faucets Can Save Money

There are a few things you don’t want to hesitate to get repaired or fixed and plumbing problems such as leaky faucets are definitely one of them. These problems typically start off as harmless, mild nuisances, but continually eat into your wallet until fixed, which can cost you quite a bit of money when put […]

Quick Tips for Leaking Pipes

Leaking pipes are not problems only for old houses, although older homes definitely want to keep a sharp eye out for them.  Newer homes can have problems as well, caused often by faulty installation and sometimes just by the way materials work together.  The first step is to spot the leaks; the next step is […]

Slow Drains? DIY Fixes Before You Call a Plumber

We’ve all had slow drains.  They are part of having a home: showers, kitchen sinks, laundry rooms, toilets. Calling a plumber is sure to get your drain cleared, but it also comes with a cost, and if you want to try the DIY first, you can likely save yourself some cash now and then. DIY […]

How Can Hydro Jet Cleaning Improve Plumbing in Your Building

If you have a business, an apartment complex, or even just a single-family home, you know that plumbing problems are a when, not an if. Hydro jet cleaning can help keep your pipes running clear and problem free, and you will be happy you did it. What is hydro jet cleaning and why is it […]

Home Plumbing Myths That Cost You Money

Over the years, there have been plenty of home plumbing myths thrown around that claim to save you work, time, or money, but actually have a negative long-term effect on your plumbing. So, let’s talk about some of the tricks that homeowners have tried, what they hoped to accomplish, and how there is a better […]